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An Illustration Of An Inflamed And Painful Spine

What Is the Difference Between Complete and Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries?

Your brain and spinal cord work together to form the central nervous system, a complex mechanism that controls everything the body can do. With a system this complicated and crucial to everyday life, it’s no wonder that even the slightest injury or damage to the spinal cord can wreak a fair amount of havoc. When it comes to your spine, complete and incomplete spinal cord injury can present unique challenges to your future.

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Man Getting A Neck Exam In A Healthcare Setting

When Is Neck Surgery Necessary?

When it comes to any injury, including those to your neck, surgery should be your final option. There are plenty of more conservative treatment methods to treat pain and try to restore normal function to the neck. However, if you’ve worked through alternative options and find yourself at the bottom of the barrel and still in pain, it might be time to consider surgery. But this raises an important question: when is it necessary to get neck surgery?

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What Is a Laminectomy?

With age and with some types of trauma to the spine, bone spurs can occur. These bony growths can put pressure on the nerves or spinal cord, causing pain and affecting your range of movement. Laminectomy, also known as decompression…

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What Is a Microdiscectomy?

Discectomy is a surgical treatment option for some patients who have a herniated disc which is causing pain by pressing on the spinal cord or nerve root. In this procedure, some of the disc material is removed, relieving pressure and…

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What Is Microdecompression Spine Surgery?

Microdecompression spine surgery is one solution for patients with herniated lumbar discs. This minimally invasive surgery, also sometimes known as a microdiscectomy, involves removing part of the herniated disc. This helps relieve some of the pressure on the nerves, which…

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