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Disc Replacement at Alliance Orthopedics

A disc replacement is a surgical procedure that is done to replace a damaged or degenerative disc in the neck or spine. The goal of the surgery is to relieve pain and improve function by restoring the normal alignment and motion of the spine.

Disc replacement is typically considered a treatment option for patients who have failed to respond to conservative treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, and injections. It may also be recommended for patients who have significant disc damage or degeneration and are experiencing pain, numbness, or weakness in the neck, shoulders, or arms.

Conditions a Disc Replacement may Treat

A disc replacement may be performed to treat several different conditions, including:

  • A herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Radiculopathy

If you are experiencing any of the above conditions, our team of experts at Alliance Orthopedics can help you get better faster. We will provide you with a thorough evaluation and explore the many conservative and surgical treatment options available to you.

How It Works

Once it is determined that a disc replacement is the best treatment option for you, your surgeon will discuss the specifics of your surgery with you. This procedure is typically done under general anesthesia and usually takes about 2-3 hours.

During the surgery, your surgeon will make a small incision and then gently move aside the muscles and soft tissues to access your spine. Once your surgeon has access to your spine, they will remove the damaged or degenerative disc and insert the replacement disc into the empty space.

After the new disc is in place, your surgeon will close the incision with sutures, and a small dressing will be placed over the incision site.

Post-operative Care

After your procedure, Alliance Orthopedcis will provide you with specific instructions on caring for your incision and what activities you should avoid. You will likely experience some soreness and stiffness in your neck for the first few days after surgery.

Physical therapy will be an integral part of your post-operative care. A physical therapist will work with you to help restore your range of motion and strengthen the muscles around your new disc.

Take the first step, contact us today!

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