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Advancements In Physical Therapy

Advancements In Physical Therapy

New techniques and technologies are constantly being created to make physical therapy more effective than it already was before.

In today’s modern era, innovation brings physical therapy to new capacities to provide care for patient cases. In recent years there have been several new practices added to physical therapy routines that help the body in brand new ways. These methods are practiced all around the world, and work to benefit both the therapists overseeing these practices as well as the ones practicing them in order to heal themselves.

Most people may first think of is an increase in telehealth. With the COVID-19 pandemic making it difficult for people to safely interact with each other in-person, telehealth proved to be an essential way for doctors to keep in touch with their patients. Even though it is much safer to meet face-to-face again, telehealth still holds an important place in the medical world. In addition to allowing patients that would normally be unable to see therapists to do so, telehealth allows medical professionals to keep track of patients’ conditions outside of the office; this allows for the recovery process to feel more personal and accessible to more people, and telehealth only has room to grow in the coming years.

While more access to physical therapy is incredibly important, how the field is typically conducted is just as important. Physical therapists have begun looking at their work from the perspective of a patient’s entire body.

Therapists have begun using more integrative physical therapy practices into what they do, honing in on routines that better not just a patient’s physical health, but their mental health as well. If patients are getting overworked with the physically demanding parts of their routines, therapists now have the knowledge on how to switch things around and focus more on alternative means of therapy. With the latter approach becoming more popular, therapists now have the ability to recognize that and incorporate it into their work.

Finally, physical therapists have started to put a lot more focus on patient engagement. Although the patient’s thoughts have always been an important part of the physical therapy process, this has become a much more important part of the process for therapists. This approach does help in regards to building up a proper business, but the most important aspects of this new perspective is that they help bolster relationships with their patients while also providing their patients more agency in how they are treated. Therapists that take this new approach will better connect with their patients, patients will have more agency to their recovery process, and the business is better as a whole. Everyone wins!

These new advances in how physical therapy is conducted all work to better things for both patients and therapists alike, and it is important for any person looking for a physical therapy spot to see if the staff there are keeping these kinds of things in mind. Luckily, here at Alliance Orthopedics, we consider all of these factors and then some. Our clinic does have a large focus on physical therapy, but we also have a great deal of chiropractors on staff as well. Chiropractic is a field built upon more holistic principles and practices, meaning that in our offices, not only can you receive specialized care with our physical therapists, but overall health care with our chiropractors!

We put the priorities of our patients first and foremost, so that you get the recovery routine that suits you. In a field that is always malleable and evolving, we strive to utilize new physical therapy practices that help our staff, our business, and most importantly, our patients. With specialized practitioners, Alliance OrthopedicsΒ is dedicated to doing all we can to help you Get Better Faster.

For more information on what we do or to request an appointment with us, feel free to contact us at any four main offices or send us a message! We look forward to hearing from you!


AC Health. (2021, September 20). Physical Therapy Trends to Look for in 2021. AC Health. Retrieved October 27, 2021, from https://ac-health.com/physical-therapy-trends-to-look-for-in-2021/.

Nault Chiropractic. (2017, September 26). The Benefits of Holistic Chiropractic Care. Nault Chiropractic. Retrieved October 27, 2021, from https://www.docnault.com/benefits-holistic-chiropractic-care/.

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